Sunday, March 2, 2008

Make a joyful noise!

Good afternoon friends!
I am once again sitting in front of my computer.(I am getting quite attached to this chair.) I wanted some quiet time, so I have convinced my daughter and her friend that they need to be outside on this most gorgeous day that God has made:) It worked, and so all is calm..except my thoughts.
I must share a way in which God has done wondrous things. I think you will like this:) Last year (bear with me), my daughter, who was in second grade, refused to be in the children's choir at church. I begged and pleaded and promised blessings untold if she would just make a joyful noise for the lord. NO! NADA! NOPE!(Mind you, she sings constantly at home.) Fast forward to this year, a couple of months into the school year (she attends our parish's Catholic School), she finds out that her friend is joining the choir. Well, if SHE is joining, maybe I should join too. Alleluia !! She is finally joining the choir! Now, once she gets in, she LOVES IT!! She also found out that some lucky person who is willing and able can actually stand up at the podium and cantor!! OOOHHHH!AAAAHHHH!! She just HAD to be one of them! She is all about confidence! Make no mistake that she will not have a problem voicing her opinion...ever! Anyway, last night she had a friend over, and they were singing,"The Lord is my Shepherd, there is nothing I shall want." My daughter was plucking it out on a guitar, and they sang the refrain together. They sang this over and over and over...until Wubby and I were humming along, and could not get the tune out of our heads!! This morning at mass, the children's choir was to sing. The children were filing in to take their seats, and our daughter walks by the pew where we are sitting, and whispers, "I'm cantoring!" Low and behold, when it came time for her to cantor...all alone up there in front of the largest populated service of the day(standing on a stool so she could reach the mic), she amazed one and all by the sweetness that floated out of her soul and into the hearts of all present. I was so moved by her little unwavering voice, but even more moved by the Holy Spirit, because the verse she had to cantor was none other than,"The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want!"

1 comment:

nell ann said...

Hi Robin!

I'm so excited to see your blog! I'll be checking in on you often, so keep up the good blogging. And blogs are definately better with I loved seeing all of yours!