Monday, March 17, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Hey everybody! How are ya doing? Here, we are fine. I just wanted to post about my dream I had a couple of nights ago. It was early Sunday morning(my birthday, none the less), when I awoke to realize I had had an incredible dream! Don't ya just love waking up to find out you have had a great dream, and that you can actually remember what it was about??!! Well, it was about our sweet daughter that is still at Hannah's Hope in Guatemala. First I must tell you that a theme about nursing your adopted child has been flowing through the messages on the yahoo group I am a member of. It is a group for adoptive parents who are with All God's Children International. Anyway, I dreamed that I was nursing my beautiful daughter! I could actually feel her in my arms. How wonderful those moments were. For those of you who might be wondering, adoptive nursing is something that I feel very called to do. I have had concerns about the age of initiation, because our daughter is over a year old, but God sometimes reveals to us in our dreams things that give us peace. You all may remember the other special dream I had about our daughter. For those of you who don't recall this incident, I will refresh your memory!! OK, here goes. We got put on the girl's waiting list in Dec. 2006. In January, we were number 29. A long way from a referral (six months to be exact!). Any way, I had a dream one night that I was holding my new daughter, and all of our family was surrounding me and her. It was a very special moment, and I wrote about it on the list serve in a post to my friend. Needless to say, it would be many months before we would receive our referral. When we did we were elated! After we had traveled for our visit trip, and were back home, I was searching for something in the archives of the AGCI listserve, when I came across the posting about my dream. I was so sentimental as I re-read what I had written, and remembered the sweet, that all of those months ago, I had dreamed about my baby girl. As I was exiting out of that post, my eye caught sight of the date I had had the dream. It was on the very day that our daughter was born!! You see, she was six months old at our referral! Tears filled my eyes! I called everyone I knew to tell them of God's province in "the details"!!! He would want me to know that she truly was the one He chose for our family. I knew before this, but I had NO DOUBT after this!! Wubby and I would often talk about "How will we know if our referral is "the one"?" God dispelled all doubt!! We have a great God! He knows us inside and out! That is so comforting to know:)

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