Thursday, October 9, 2008


Sorry this shot is a bit blurry, but I find this most interesting. Our youngest son loves "different" things. He is very comfortable in his own skin, and will wear whatever suits him...including a three piece suit and tie to school on any given day. He loves hats of all kinds, and his taste in clothing spills over to his shoe selection. For example, when buying shoes for school this year, he went to a Converse website, that allows you to design your own shoes. He choose low-tops with a special design/fabric on the inside, and black leather on one side and white leather on the other. Think bowling shoes. Guess I should have taken a pic of those too!LOL! Anyhoo, these are his latest find. They are climbing shoes. They have a rubber sole, and each toe gets a special little toe shoe area separate from the toe next to it :-) They even have special socks that can be worn with the shoes....of course those were a must have, too! He rarely wears the socks, though. He is allowed to wear them to school, but his Food Dynamics teacher restricted him to only days they were not in the kitchen cooking!!How funny is that?!!!

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