Thursday, October 9, 2008


Summer Rain and a friend were helping me decorate for Fall. Basically, a trip into the attic for me, and a hallway upstairs littered with the remnants of boxes and tissue paper that held the treasures they were seeking. (Hmmmm. I wonder who's gonna havta clean THAT up??) They put out this cute display with the help of our sweet kitties. Samson is the gray kitty, and Charley is the black kitty. Both felines have since "rearranged" the display at will. I guess they haven't gotten it just right yet :-)

1 comment:

Elizabeth Lyons said...

Hi Robin!

Can you email me privately regarding your son? I'd LOVE to talk about his possibly designing the logo and/or website for Believe Impossible Things. Thank you so much for contacting me!
