Thursday, September 25, 2008

Close Moments.

Well, yesterday was a tough day. Actually so was the day before. Lots of time in prayer for our daughter to come home. My heart was so heavy, leaden almost, causing me to look heavenward for strength and reassurance and rest.
As I was sitting at dance class, waiting on Summer Rain to finish her ballet class, I looked down upon the bench I was sitting on. There was a copy of Sports Illustrated. Hmmm. I don't read that magazine, and I almost looked away when the front page slogan caught my eye, and I re-read the three words that were blazed across the center in big, white letters. IT WILL HAPPEN!!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes! I really believe God put that magazine there to remind me that our daughter will come home :-) As if that was not enough, He graced me further with my daughter's shouts in the car as we were leaving the parking lot after dance class. She calls out,"Look, Mom! A rainbow!!" Indeed when I looked up, I saw a a broad slice of a most beautiful rainbow!! God's reminder to me that He keeps His promises!! To let you know how awesome this was, there was no rain, not this day or the day before. Just beautiful skies, and God's rainbow to share His love with me.

1 comment:

Michelle said...


i am so glad the Lord is speaking to you and encouraging you. Praise the Lord! It will Happen!