Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Meandering Thoughts

The morning is pregnant with hope and promise.
The breeze causes the gentle tinkling of my wind chimes.
What are they proclaiming?
The freshness of the air fills my lungs with a sweetness rare.

I walk in the desert.
Sometimes with purposeful strides.
Sometimes skipping along.
Sometimes in circles.
And, sometimes, trudgingly on, and on.

It is quiet here, in my desert
save for my own thoughts.
The truths I know flood my mind.
Some appear as a fountain
Gushing forth to quench my thirst.
Others as manna to satisfy my hunger.
Still others as mountains that must be climbed and probed, and explored,
and eventually conquered.

My Lord is with me here.
He speaks softly His words
that direct my path inward
to use this gift of desert time for discipline.
The discipline to increase my faith, and shine light on my darkest corners.

1 comment:


Robin, I didn't know you were a poet. This is beautiful. Thinking of you so much and just waiting for the call with you.