Friday, August 29, 2008


After a long trip, it is so nice to come home. I am a happy mommy today as I look about my house and see that the two boys that were away are now back home. I can safely tuck them in...OK...they are 21 and 18, so I won't ACTUALLY be tucking them in, but I can MENTALLY tuck them in :-) Yes, their piles of dirty clothes litter their bedroom floor, but that is OK. No longer do I regard those piles as laundry, but as the signs of life that they represent. I love my children, and would gladly have them all stay here in this house with me forever!! I keep telling them that when they grow up and get married, they can live here with us and we can just stay SO CLOSE!!! They all smile that knowing smile as they back away and make a run for the door!!LOL!!
All of this homecoming is so bittersweet as I ponder the other homecoming we are waiting for. Our sweet daughter is still out there in a land far away waiting for her own homecoming. She , too, will have her very own little pile of laundry that will represent the fact that she lives HERE, and can join her sister and three brothers in the day to day life that has been fashioned for her by the very hand of God.
May God swiftly answer the prayer of my heart to bring her home safely too. My fifth little child needs to come home.


Michelle said...

Yes Lord Jesus bring her home swiftly!


Praying sweet Robin that your little girl will come home soon!
jen in mi