Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Taste of Blackberries

My Friends,
I am quite alone in my house right now. The cats are even asleep. Wubby is umpiring baseball, Son 1 is working, Son 2 is "chillin" with a friend, Son 3 is working, and Summer Rain is down the street with a friend. I am here blog-stalking and learning lessons from others. The smell of a made-from- scratch blackberry cobbler is permeating my thoughts. It is almost done. The blackberries are fresh from the prickly vines that torment the picker. We can learn a lot about life from a blackberry bush! The blackberry is very well protected from the hand that seeks to remove it from it's home. How often do I set my eyes on the prize , only to forget to watch out for the snares and brambles that must be faced before any triumph can be had? God never promised that there wouldn't be thorns in the blackberry patch, but anyone who has ever popped a bursting blackberry into their mouth after the battle with those thorns, can attest to the fact that the battle is worth it!! YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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