Saturday, June 28, 2008

Strength to " go on", but to "sit still"?

How often have I prayed for strength to "go on"? Many times. When my children were newborns, and the days and nights just seemd to flow one into the next. Sleep was only captured when I could pry my watchful eyes off of their angelic faces. For me, to gaze upon a newborn is to be allowed a treasure beyond comprehension. I would pray for strength to get up another time to nourish that precious life. They were so hungry for food and for the reassurance that I was out there , and that I had heard their cry.
When my father died of a massive heart attack, and I had missed getting to see him that day.
When my nephew and neice's firstborn was lost to a heart condition at 9 weeks old.
When my adoption journey took an unexpected turn.
When ......trials that only happen to "someone else" unfold in my own life.

I am reminded that the Lord is my strength to go on, but ALSO the Lord is my strength to "sit still"!!! To do nothing. To just sit still and wait, requires great strength! "Thank you , Jesus for the strength to sit still and wait on You." Amen.


Michelle said...

Still....not one bit easy is it? If you do not mind I would like to add you to my blog roll and foloow your journey.


Michelle Riggs said...

I am praying for peace, strength and a miracle.

Michelle said...

Just realized it is you who joined our waiters group yeah! I am so happy! Welcome!

Three2Five said...

You are so right sometimes we need so much more of God's strength in order to be able to sit still! I am so sorry and I pray that you are able to grieve. You are in my prayers!
