Tuesday, February 3, 2009

24 Hours

Hola my blogging friends!
I hope you are all having a great day! The weather is very nice here in Guatemala. I will miss it when I go home on Friday.
Let me see. Yesterday was very exhausting. I hardly slept a wink Sunday night...imagine that!!LOL! A very chatty gentleman on the first leg of the trip meant no nap for me. I did catch a few winks between Atlanta and here. As soon as I got to Hannah's Hope, I went straight for my little sweetie. Ahhhhh! She is more precious than all of her pictures. She is such a tiny thing. Very bright and very curious. She saw me and put out that little pouty lip, but did not cry a tear. I was so proud of her courage. After about 20 minutes, she was playing with me. Funny, but a pack of tissues broke the ice. I pulled them out of my purse to wipe her nose, and she held out her little hand for them. I gave them to her, and the rest was tissue history!LOL! She wiped my nose, she wiped her nose, she tore bits and pieces off, and we rolled them up and blew them in to the air. That was when I was rewarded with the deep belly laughs that warmed my heart and soul!! Laughter is laughter in any language!!
I really didn't want to put her down last night. We had connected a bit, and I knew we would have to start all over again in the morning. I was right. Oh she remembered me this morning as I walked into her bedroom. I flashed her a big smile and she screamed at the top of her lungs! So much for progress! I had my work cut out for me. She is VERY attached to her special mothers, and that is truly a great thing. It means good things down the road as far as attachment to us goes. But for now, it sure hurts my heart to see fear and untrust in her eyes when she looks at me. Anyway, I had a distraction. The little boy in the crib next to hers was chomping at the bit for me to pick him up...arms reaching out and the whole bit!! Go figure!! So I stayed in the room, and play with him and the other little girl in the thrid crib. They both wanted to be held and cuddled and played with. Finally Y laughed and joined in, but she still wasn't too sure she was going to let me hold her. I took three of them up the stairs, all very good stair climbers, and to breakfast at their little table. They had french toast. Y doesn't eat very fast, but she did eat it all. We played with a purse and some stickers, and then it was her bath time. I played with her during her bath, and then took her over to the guesthouse for some one on one. She had that same scared look, but soon was ok as I picked her out a new outfit to wear, and gave her some new toys. I had brought bribes, you see, to make her want to play with me!!LOL! She is very smart! She let me cuddle her and read to her and most importantly, I just got to sit back and enjoy watching her play. I tell ya, when she looks up from what she is concentrating on, and flashes you a genuine smile.....your heart just melts away! Her eyes sparkle all the way to her soul!
Well, she is napping right now. I will go pick her up in a bit. I am sure I will have to start all over again to win her back into my arms. It is SO worth it!
Adios and keep praying for good news while I am here!


David & Jill said...

You have been on my heart so much in the past couple weeks, and I am bummed that I missed "chatting" with you before you left for Guatemala. But I'm glad you're online while you're there, and hope you have a precious time. Much love to you!

Momma said...

Oh Robin,

I almost jumped off my seat with excitement when I saw you had blogged from GT. I have been thinking of you. Praying for your strength and peace this week. Its not necessary to tell you I'm praying for that miracle, you already know that. Enjoy your time with your sweet "Y". I will continue to check for updates. So so happy for you amiga.
As always much love chica. Kisses to that little guatemalan princess of yours.


Sinead said...

I'm praying like crazy for you guys! Enjoy all of the time that you have with her, and hopefully this will be the last time that you're separated!

Michelle said...


What a beautiful time. I am looking at your pictures on my prayer board right now and imagining you two together. Enjoy soaking up every minute.

Ana said...

I'm so glad that things are going well!

You are right, laughter, and let me add LOVE are universal.

God bless,



Robin, I didn't think to check your blog. So glad I did! I am so happy you are there and winning your daughter's heart! I will pray for great news!
Smiles and love,

Emily said...

I'm so happy you got to make this visit trip. Thanks for sharing about your time there.

Michelle Riggs said...

I love that you were able to see your daughter. I love reading about your time with her. Thank you so much for sharing. You are always in my prayers.