Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Card picture for this year

Well, it was a job that had to be done. Wubby went upstairs, walked carefully into each boy's room, and gently roused them on Sunday morning. Their little eyes still half closed in sleep blinked to clear away the dreams they were having. Daddy asked them to come downstairs for a quick Christmas picture around the tree....oh, and be showered and dressed when you get there!!
TeeHee! Believe it or not, half an hour later we had all four children posed for this pic(we did tell them they did not have to "dress up")...all were clean and smellin' good :-)What good sports they were! I just love these kiddos! My life has been enriched beyond measure since having them. Thank you Jesus for the gift of my children.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Advent...the coming.

Yesterday was the first Sunday of Advent. This season marks the beginning of our Liturgical year, and it is a time of waiting for Christ to come into our lives. We wait with expectant hope. After all, that is the ONLY way we should wait.
I must remind myself to keep the focus on Christ, and His coming. We know we are remembering His birth at this time, and we wait for His time to come again in glory.
I cannot help but note the similarities in this waiting. As I wait for our daughter from Guatemala, I also wait in expectant hope. We are adopted sons and daughters of God, as she will be the adopted daughter belonging to her new family....she is already a member of His divine family. I humbly pray that I may not allow my wait for her to overshadow my wait for Him.
As I contemplate Christ and His humble entrance into this world as a helpless baby, may I be reminded that Christ exalts the humble. May I be reminded of all of my blessings, and of all of those less fortunate. May I see His face in the poor, and the defenceless. In the arrogant and in the angry. In the rich and in the reproachful. May I know that it is not my place to judge, and that I am called to love as Christ loved.