Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Card picture for this year

Well, it was a job that had to be done. Wubby went upstairs, walked carefully into each boy's room, and gently roused them on Sunday morning. Their little eyes still half closed in sleep blinked to clear away the dreams they were having. Daddy asked them to come downstairs for a quick Christmas picture around the tree....oh, and be showered and dressed when you get there!!
TeeHee! Believe it or not, half an hour later we had all four children posed for this pic(we did tell them they did not have to "dress up")...all were clean and smellin' good :-)What good sports they were! I just love these kiddos! My life has been enriched beyond measure since having them. Thank you Jesus for the gift of my children.


Momma said...


What a beautiful family. Can't wait to see Y in next years Christmas Pic. Still hoping and praying you hear good news very soon.
Much Love Chica.

Emily said...

Great picture Robin. What great looking kids!


Miss you dear Robin. Love the picture!
Smiles and love,

Michelle said...

Great family picture and Amen on the enrichment!